That can really save you a ton of time on your commute and even save you money in transportation costs. You can check the map and find an Airbnb that is close to the hospital, too. There is also more trust with the Airbnb option since there are guest reviews of the hosts. Since most away rotations last for 1 month, an Airbnb sublet makes more sense than a costly hotel or a questionable room share off of Craigslist. Medical students planning for their away rotation during their fourth year of studies can certainly benefit from a monthly Airbnb rental for their temporary housing needs. Having access to a real kitchen would allow you to prepare your own meals and help you strike a better life balance when you’re on the road. Living the good life on the company dime may be fun for the first few trips, but eating out every night can get old (and unhealthy) after a while. Longer stay Airbnbs are also a great choice for business professionals who are on a short-term assignment, such as consultants. Therefore, using Airbnb to find a sublet is probably the easiest way to find an affordable, trustworthy room or apartment that has also been reviewed. Craigslist is an option, but there are no reviews to rely on. Hotels are out of the question due to their costs, while there are not many leasing companies that offer anything less than 6 months. Summer internships usually last 2 to 3 months. In fact, now is a great time to engage in “ geographic arbitrage,” a process where you change your physical location to a lower cost area (while even still earning the same salary for your remote job if you are still working). It also provides the chance to save some money by moving to a city with a lower cost of living than where your office is located. An Airbnb sublet is the perfect choice for those who are not tied to a specific location and want to try a new city, but without locking into a long-term lease. Of course, digital freelancers have been living this type of lifestyle for a while. Location is irrelevant in today’s age, especially with many more companies shifting to remote work in light of COVID-19.

Digital Nomads & Work from Home Professionals